Glove Box Claim Guide

Glove box claim guide

You’re driving home after a long day at work, you are sitting in your car listening to the radio reading the bumper stickers of the cars that are ahead of you at the lights hoping that things could move a bit quicker so that you can get home and start dinner or pick up the…

Under-Insurance... Why should I care?

Under-Insurance… Why should I care?

Chances are that you have heard people talking about under-insurance, seen an article or two in the news papers (usually after a large catastrophe) or your broker has mentioned it to you. So what is it and why should you care? According to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), based on a report in…

Why should I use a broker?

Why should I use a broker?

Why going direct may not be the right course of action! You’re probably thinking, “I am a direct sort of a person, I say what I feel and don’t beat around the bush and should I encounter a problem with a company I will keep going until I get it sorted, even if that means…

Life Insurance

Do you have the right cover

In today’s world there are so many things that we need to budget for, home loan, car loan, credit cards, groceries, petrol, holidays, phone bills, electricity, the list is endless. This is often the reason why we all make excuses not to factor in one of the most important bills, life insurance. Let me ask…